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Årets publikationer

Årets publikationer

Olivari, M. G., Hertfelt Wahn, E., Maridaki-Kassotaki, K., Antonopoulou, K. & Confalonieri, E. 2015. Adolescent perceptions of parenting styles in Sweden, Italy and Greece: An exploratory study. European Journal of Psychology, 11, 244-58.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Hellgren, M. I., Larsson, C. A., Daka, B., Petzold, M., Jansson, P. A. & Lindblad, U. 2016. C-Reactive Protein Concentrations and level of physical activity in men and women with normal and impaired glucose tolerance. A cross-sectional population-based study in Sweden. Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 13, 625-31.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Rådholm, K., Af Geijerstam, P., Woodward, M., Chalmers, J., Hellgren, M., Jansson, S. & Rolandsson, O. 2023. Dog ownership, glycaemic control and all-cause death in patients with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes: a national cohort study. Front Public Health, 11, 1265645.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Privšek, E., Hellgren, M., Råstam, L., Lindblad, U. & Daka, B. 2018. Epidemiological and clinical implications of blood pressure measured in seated versus supine position. Medicine (Baltimore), 97, e11603.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Backhaus, E., Berg, S., Andersson, R., Ockborn, G., Malmström, P., Dahl, M., Nasic, S. & Trollfors, B. 2016. Epidemiology of invasive pneumococcal infections: manifestations, incidence and case fatality rate correlated to age, gender and risk factors. BMC Infectious Diseases, 16, 367.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Hellgren, M. I., Daka, B., Jansson, P. A. & Lindblad, U. 2015b. Primary care screening for individuals with impaired glucose metabolism with focus on impaired glucose tolerance. Primary Care Diabetes, 9, 261-6.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Karp, J., Edman-Wallér, J., Toepfer, M., & Jacobsson, G. (2023). Risk factors for recurrent healthcare-facility associated Clostridioides difficile infection in a Swedish setting. Anaerobe, 81, 102738.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Kazemi, A., & Törnblom, K. (2023). Standing on giants’ shoulders: Posing questions for impactful contributions and minding “Scientific Littering”. Social Justice Research, 36(3), 263-276.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Andersson, S., Ekman, I., Friberg, F., Bøg-Hansen, E. & Lindblad, U. 2013a. The association between self-reported lack of sleep, low vitality and impaired glucose tolerance: a Swedish cross-sectional study. BMC Public Health, 13, 700.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Feldmeier, H., Sentongo, E. & Krantz, I. 2013. Tungiasis (sand flea disease): a parasitic disease with particular challenges for public health. European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, 32, 19-26.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Feldmeier, H., Heukelbach, J., Ugbomoiko, U. S., Sentongo, E., Mbabazi, P., Von Samson-Himmelstjerna, G. & Krantz, I. 2014. Tungiasis--a neglected disease with many challenges for global public health. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 8, e3133.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Feldmeier, H., Heukelbach, J., Ugbomoiko, U. S., Sentongo, E., Mbabazi, P., Von Samson-Himmelstjerna, G. & Krantz, I. 2014. Tungiasis--a neglected disease with many challenges for global public health. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 8, e3133.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Nilson, H., & Kazemi, A. (2021). 'Mindful' human resource management: combining Buddhist principles of enlightenment with diversity management. International Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy, 14(2), 114-134. doi:10.1504/ijmcp.2021.117978

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Ahlberg, B. M. & Njoroge, K. M. 2013. 'Not men enough to rule!': politicization of ethnicities and forcible circumcision of Luo men during the postelection violence in Kenya. Ethnicity and Health, 18, 454-68.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Andersson, S., Svanström, R., Ek, K., Rosén, H. & Berglund, M. 2015. 'The challenge to take charge of life with long-term illness': nurses' experiences of supporting patients' learning with the didactic model. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 24, 3409-16.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Chikovore, J., Nyström, L., Lindmark, G. & Ahlberg, B. M. 2013. "How can I gain skills if I don't practice?" The dynamics of prohibitive silence against pre-marital pregnancy and sex in Zimbabwe. PloS One, 8, e53058.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Nkulu Kalengayi, F. K., Hurtig, A. K., Ahlm, C. & Ahlberg, B. M. 2012a. "It is a challenge to do it the right way": an interpretive description of caregivers' experiences in caring for migrant patients in Northern Sweden. BMC Health Services Research, 12, 433.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Puthoopparambil, S. J., Ahlberg, B. M. & Bjerneld, M. 2015. "It is a thin line to walk on": challenges of staff working at Swedish immigration detention centres. International Journal of Qualitative Studies of Health and Well-being, 10, 25196.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Kulane, A., Ahlberg, B. M. & Berggren, I. 2010. "It is more than the issue of taking tablets": the interplay between migration policies and TB control in Sweden. Health Policy, 97, 26-31.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Ahlberg, B. M., Maina, F., Kubai, A., Khamasi, W., Ekman, M. & Lundqvist-Persson, C. 2016. “A child, a tree”: Challenges in building collaborative relations in a community research project in a Kenyan context. Action Research, 14, 257-275.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Hammerin, Z., Bergnehr, D. & Basic, G. 2023. A floating concept and blurred teacher responsibilities: Local interpretations of health promotion work in Swedish upper secondary schools. Cogent Education, 10, 2287884.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Thapa, D. R. (2022). A health-promotive approach to maintain and sustain health in women-dominated work in Nepal and Sweden, Jönköping, Jönköping University, School of Health and Welfare.

Kategori - Avhandlingar

Landström, B., Mattsson, B. & Rudebeck, C. E. 2011. A qualitative study of final-year medical students' perspectives of general practitioners' competencies. International Journal of Medical Education, 2, 102-109.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Geirsson, M. (2011). Alcohol prevention in Swedish primary health care staff knowledge about risk drinking and attitudes towards working with brief alcohol intervention: where do we go from here? (PhD). University of Gothenburg, Göteborg. Retrieved from

Kategori - Avhandlingar

Landström, B. 2021a. Allmänläkare 1983-2028. AllmänMedicin, 41(4), 18.

Kategori - Övriga publikationer

Ekström, A. (2005). Amning och vårdkvalitet.  Karolinska Institutet. Stockholm.

Kategori - Avhandlingar

Johansson, A. (2014). Ändlös omsorg och utmätt hälsa: föräldraskapets paradoxer när ett vuxet barn har långvarig psykisk sjukdom. (PhD). Örebro universitet, Örebro.
Retrieved from

Kategori - Avhandlingar

Pathak, A., Mahadik, K., Dhaneria, S. P., Sharma, A., Eriksson, B. & Lundborg, C. S. 2011. Antibiotic prescribing in outpatients: Hospital and seasonal variations in Ujjain, India. Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases, 43, 479-88.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Sharma, M., Eriksson, B., Marrone, G., Dhaneria, S. & Lundborg, C. S. 2012. Antibiotic prescribing in two private sector hospitals; one teaching and one non-teaching: a cross-sectional study in Ujjain, India. BMC Infectious Diseases, 12, 155.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Axelsson, K. F. (2020). Aspects of fracture prevention: the role of fracture liaison services and alendronate. (PhD). University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg.

Kategori - Avhandlingar

Kazemi, A., & Kajonius, P. (2021). Assessing person-centred care: An item response theory approach. International Journal of Older People Nursing, 16(1), e12352. doi:10.1111/opn.12352

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Kazemi, A. & Kajonius, P. 2020a. Assessing person-centred care: An item response theory approach. International Journal of Older People Nursing, n/a, e12352.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Johansson, A., Aurell, Y. & Romanus, B. 2018a. Assessment of the ankle joint in clubfeet and normal feet to the age of four years by ultrasonography. Journal of Children's Orthopaedics, 12, 262-272.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Axelsson, K. F., Nilsson, A. G., Wedel, H., Lundh, D. & Lorentzon, M. 2017a. Association between Alendronate use and hip fracture risk in older patients using oral Prednisolone. JAMA, 318, 146-155.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Hellgren, M. I., Kitsche, E., Groot-Zevert, M., Lindblad, U. & Daka, B. 2019. Association between body mass index and self-rated health: A Swedish population-based longitudinal study. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 1403494819875012.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Eriksson, M. C. M., Lundgren, J., Hellgren, M., Li, Y., Björkelund, C., Lindblad, U. & Daka, B. 2023. Association between low internal health locus of control, psychological distress and insulin resistance. An exploratory study. PloS One, 18, e0285974.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Daka, B., Bennet, L., Råstam, L., Hellgren, M. I., Li, Y., Magnusson, M. & Lindblad, U. 2023. Association between self-reported alcohol consumption and diastolic dysfunction: a cross-sectional study. BMJ Open, 13, e069937.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Weidinger, P. (2012). Asthma and COPD: diagnoses and prescriptions in Swedish primary care. (PhD). University of Gothenburg, Göteborg. Retrieved from

Kategori - Avhandlingar

Hamed, S. & Bradby, H. 2017. Asylsökande barns hälsobehov i Sverige. Socialmedicinsk Tidskrift, 94, 546.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Berglund, M., Kjellsdotter, A. & Andersson, S. 2017. Att drabbas av långvarig sjukdom. I: Dahlberg, K. & Ekman, I. (Red.) Vägen till patientens värld och personcentrerad vård. Stockholm: Liber.

Kategori - Övriga publikationer

Berglund, M. (2011). Att ta rodret i sitt liv: lärande utmaningar vid långvarig sjukdom. (PhD). Linnéuniversitetet, Växjö. Retrieved from

Kategori - Avhandlingar

Karlsson, V. (2012). Att vårdas vaken med respirator [Elektronisk resurs] patienters och närståendes upplevelser från en intensivvårdsavdelning. (PhD). Göteborgs universitet, Göteborg. Retrieved from

Kategori - Avhandlingar

Nordenfors, M. 2013. Barn och socialarbetare berättar om utredningar och biståndsinsatser : ett forskningsprojekt om socialtjänstens arbete med barn och deras familjer, Alingsås, Monica Nordenfors.

Kategori - Övriga publikationer

Holmqvist, G. (2018). Bildterapi - en väg till inre förändring och förbättrad hälsa. (PhD). Högskolan Halmstad, Halmstad.

Kategori - Avhandlingar

Ljungström, B. M., Kenne Sarenmalm, E. & Axberg, U. 2020a. Bottom-up and top-down approaches to understanding oppositional defiant disorder symptoms during early childhood: a mixed method study. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health, 14, 34.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Rejnö, Å. (2012). Bråd död när patienten drabbats av stroke: vårdares och närståendes upplevelser. Institutionen för vårdvetenskap och hälsa. Sahlgrenska Akademin. Göteborgs Universitet, Göteborg. Retrieved from

Kategori - Avhandlingar

Rejnö, Å. 2016. Bråd död: ett viktigt begrepp i palliativ vård. Omsorg: Nordisk tidsskrift for Palliativ Medisin, 71-76.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Thu, H. N., Eriksson, B., Khanh, T. T., Petzold, M., Bondjers, G., Kim, C. N., Thanh, L. N. & Ascher, H. 2012. Breastfeeding practices in urban and rural Vietnam. BMC Public Health, 12, 964.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Mårtensson, S. 2022. Bridging the gap between caring theory and nursing practice : Learning experiences of undergraduate nursing students in a caring behavior course, Jönköping, Jönköping University, School of Health and Welfare.

Kategori - Avhandlingar

Pikkemaat, M., Andersson, T., Melander, O., Chalmers, J., Rådholm, K. & Bengtsson Boström, K. 2019. C-peptide predicts all-cause and cardiovascular death in a cohort of individuals with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes. The Skaraborg diabetes register. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 150, 174-183.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Ottarsdottir, K., Tivesten, Å., Li, Y., Lindblad, U., Hellgren, M., Ohlsson, C., & Daka, B. (2022, Jun 1). Cardiometabolic Risk Factors and Endogenous Sex Hormones in Postmenopausal Women: A Cross-Sectional Study. J Endocr Soc, 6(6), bvac050.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Wills, A. C., Vazquez Arreola, E., Olaiya, M. T., Curtis, J. M., Hellgren, M. I., Hanson, R. L., & Knowler, W. C. (2022, Jun 1). Cardiorespiratory Fitness, BMI, Mortality, and Cardiovascular Disease in Adults with Overweight/Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 54(6), 994-1001.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

André Kramer, A. C., Skeie, M. S., Skaare, A. B., Espelid, I. & Ostberg, A. L. 2014. Caries increment in primary teeth from 3 to 6 years of age: a longitudinal study in Swedish children. European Archives of Paediatric Dentistry, 15, 167-73.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Lindgren, I., Rejnö, Å., Netterheim, A., Midlöv, P., Ervander, C., & Pessah-Rasmussen, H. (2024). Challenges in performing a structured follow-up in Swedish nursing home residents after stroke: a pilot feasibility study. Discover Health Systems, 3(1), 92. 

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Rejnö, Å., Nasic, S., Bjälkefur, K., Bertholds, E. & Jood, K. 2019. Changes in functional outcome over five years after stroke. Brain and Behavior, 9, e01300.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Hellgren, M, Jansson, P. A., Alayar, H., Lindblad, U., & Daka, B. (2021). Circulating endothelin-1 levels are positively associated with chronic kidney disease in women but not in men: a longitudinal study in the Vara-Skövde cohort. BMC Nephrology, 22(1), 327. doi:10.1186/s12882-021-02525-5

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Ljungström, L., Enroth, H., Claesson, B. E., Ovemyr, I., Karlsson, J., Fröberg, B., Brodin, A. K., Pernestig, A. K., Jacobsson, G., Andersson, R. & Karlsson, D. 2015. Clinical evaluation of commercial nucleic acid amplification tests in patients with suspected sepsis. BMC Infectious Diseases, 15, 199.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Karlsson, V., Forsberg, A. & Bergbom, I. 2012b. Communication when patients are conscious during respirator treatment--a hermeneutic observation study. Intensive and Critical Care Nursing, 28, 197-207.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Rejnö, Å. C. U. & Berg, L. K. 2019. Communication, the key in creating dignified encounters in unexpected sudden death - with stroke as example. Indian Journal of Palliative Care, 25, 9-17.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Ljungström, L. (2017). Community onset sepsis in Sweden: a population based study. (PhD). University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg.

Kategori - Avhandlingar

Kleijberg, M., Hilton, R., Ahlberg, B. M., & Tishelman, C. (2022). Conceptualizing impact in community-based participatory action research to engage communities in end-of-life issues. Palliat Care Soc Pract, 16, 26323524221095107.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Huzzard, T., Ahlberg, B. M. & Ekman, M. 2010. Constructing interorganizational collaboration:The action researcher as boundary subject. Action Research, 8, 293-314.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Trenholm, J., Olsson, P., Blomqvist, M. & Ahlberg, B. M. 2013. Constructing soldiers from boys in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. Men and Masculinities, 16, 203-227.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Nordin, P. (2018). Control or elimination: terms for public health interventions against tungiasis and schistosomiasis haematobium. Umeå universitet, Umeå. Retrieved from

Kategori - Avhandlingar

Andersson T, Pikkemaat M, Schiöler L, Hjerpe P, Carlsson AC, Wändell P, Manhem K, Kahan T, Bengtsson Boström K. Country of birth and mortality risk in hypertension with and without diabetes: the Swedish primary care cardiovascular database. J Hypertens. 2021 Jun 1;39(6):1155-1162

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Andersson T, Pikkemaat M, Schiöler L, Hjerpe P, Carlsson AC, Wändell P, Manhem K, Kahan T, Bengtsson Boström K. Country of birth and mortality risk in hypertension with and without diabetes: the Swedish primary care cardiovascular database. J Hypertens. 2021 Jun 1;39(6):1155-1162

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Palmryd, L., Rejnö, Å., Alvariza, A., & Godskesen, T. Critical care nurses’ experiences of ethical challenges in end-of-life care. Nursing Ethics, 0(0), 09697330241252975. 

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Berggren, E. (2012). Daily life after Subarachnoid Haemorrhage: identity construction, patients' and relatives' statements about patients' memory, emotional status and activities of living. (PhD). Jönköpings University, Jönköping.

Kategori - Avhandlingar

Bennet, L., Hellgren, M. & Hjörleifsdottir Steiner, K. 2019. Debatt: Viktigt att ha hemoglobinopati i åtanke hos utomeuropeiska patienter. Läkartidningen;116.

Kategori - Övriga publikationer

Andersson, J., Jakobsson, S., Rejnö, Å., Hansson, P. O., Nielsen, S. J. & Björck, L. Decision-Making in Seeking Emergency Care for Stroke Symptoms. Stroke: Vascular and Interventional Neurology, 0, e000376.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Hoa, N. Q., Trung, N. V., Larsson, M., Eriksson, B., Phuc, H. D., Chuc, N. T. & Lundborg, C. S. 2010. Decreased Streptococcus pneumoniae susceptibility to oral antibiotics among children in rural Vietnam: a community study. BMC Infectious Diseases, 10, 85.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Kramer, A. C., Hakeberg, M., Petzold, M. & Östberg, A. L. 2016. Demographic factors and dental health of Swedish children and adolescents. Acta Odontologica Scandinavica, 74, 178-85.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Landström, B. (2012). Den kompetenta allmänläkaren: mottagningsrummets praxis utmanar idealbilden. (PhD). Göteborgs universitet, Göteborg. Retrieved from

Kategori - Avhandlingar

Nilsson, H., & Kazemi, A. (2023). Den nya ljusa ledaren. Modern psykologi15(7), 20-24.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

De Costa, A., Shet, A., Kumarasamy, N., Ashorn, P., Eriksson, B., Bogg, L. & Diwan, V. K. 2010. Design of a randomized trial to evaluate the influence of mobile phone reminders on adherence to first line antiretroviral treatment in South India--the HIVIND study protocol. BMC Medical Research Methodology, 10, 25.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Bradby, H., Hamed, S., Thapar-Björkert, S., & Ahlberg, B. M. (2023). Designing an education intervention for understanding racism in healthcare in Sweden: development and implementation of anti-racist strategies through shared knowledge production and evaluation. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 51(4), 531-534.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Bradby, H., Hamed, S., Thapar-Björkert, S., & Ahlberg, B. M. (2021). Designing an education intervention for understanding racism in healthcare in Sweden: development and implementation of anti-racist strategies through shared knowledge production and evaluation. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 14034948211040963. doi:10.1177/14034948211040963

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Karlsson, C. (2015). Detection and assessment of pain in dementia care practice: Registered nurses’ and certified nursing assistants’ experiences. (PhD Doctoral thesis, comprehensive summary). Jönköping University, Jönköping. Retrieved from

Kategori - Avhandlingar

Nordin P, Nyale E, Kalambo C, Ahlberg BM, Feldmeier H and Krantz I (2023). Determining the prevalence of urogenital schistosomiasis based on the discordance between egg counts and haematuria in populations from northern Tanzania. Front. Trop. Dis 4:1100139.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Andersson, T. (2021). Diabetes and hypertension - entangled chronic conditions in primary care. Time trends and determinants for mortality and cardiovascular complications. (PhD). University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg.

Kategori - Avhandlingar

Andersson, T. (2021). Diabetes and hypertension : entangled chronic conditions in primary care : time trends and determinants for mortality and cardiovascular complications. Gothenburg: School of Public Health and Community Medicine, Institute of Medicine, Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg.

Kategori - Avhandlingar

Hellgren, M. 2021. Diabetesbehandling i Primärvården. Praktiska råd för att få välbehandlade patienter med typ 2 diabetes. AllmänMedicin, 41(3), 10-12.

Kategori - Övriga publikationer

Starzmann, K., Hjerpe, P., Dalemo, S., Ohlsson, H., Björkelund, C. & Bengtsson Boström, K. 2015. Diagnoses have the greatest impact on variation in sick-leave certification rate among primary-care patients in Sweden: A multilevel analysis including patient, physician and primary health-care centre levels. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 43, 704-12.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Bennet, L., Larsson, C., Söderström, M., Råstam, L. & Lindblad, U. 2010. Diastolic dysfunction is associated with sedentary leisure time physical activity and smoking in females only. Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care, 28, 172-8.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Hellgren, M. (2014). DIAVIP - diabetes prevention in primary care: implications for physical activity. University of Gothenburg Göteborg.

Kategori - Avhandlingar

Alvenfors, A., Velic, M., Marklund, B., Kylén, S., Lingström, P., & Bernson, J. (2022, 2022/08/08). “Difficult” dental patients: a grounded theory study of dental staff’s experiences. BDJ Open, 8(1), 24.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Rejnö, Å., Ternestedt, B. M., Nordenfelt, L., Silfverberg, G. & Godskesen, T. E. 2020. Dignity at stake: Caring for persons with impaired autonomy. Nursing Ethics, 27, 104-115.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Odzakovic, E., Huus, K., Ahlberg, B. M., Bradby, H., Hamed, S., Thaper-Björkert, S., & Björk, M. (2023). Discussing racism in healthcare: A qualitative study of reflections by graduate nursing students. Nursing Open, 10(6), 3677-3686.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Karp J, Edman-Wallér J, Jacobsson G. Duration from start of antibiotic exposure to onset of Clostridioides difficile infection for different antibiotics in a non-outbreak setting. Infect Dis (Lond). 2024 Jul 18:1-8. doi: 10.1080/23744235.2024.2375602. 

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Johansson, A. (2020). Dynamic ultrasound investigation of clubfeet in children, 0-4 years of age, with normal controls. (PhD). University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg.

Kategori - Avhandlingar

Strandvik, B., Lundqvist-Persson, C. & Sabel, K.-G. 2011. Early behavior and development are influenced by the n-6 and n-3 status in prematures*. OCL, 18, 297-300.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Lundqvist-Persson, C., Lau, G., Nordin, P., Strandvik, B. & Sabel, K. G. 2010. Early behaviour and development in breast-fed premature infants are influenced by omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acid status. Early Human Development, 86, 407-12.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Kindgren, E. (2022). Early Life Environmental Risk Factors and Gut Microbiota in Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis : - More than a gut feeling. Linköping University, Department of Biomedical and Clinical Sciences.

Kategori - Avhandlingar

Alsiö, Å., Jannesson, A., Langeland, N., Pedersen, C., Färkkilä, M., Buhl, M. R., Mørch, K., Westin, J., Hellstrand, K., Norkrans, G. & Lagging, M. 2012. Early quantification of HCV core antigen may help to determine the duration of therapy for chronic genotype 2 or 3 HCV infection. European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, 31, 1631-5.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Chinouya, M. J., Saleh, S., & Maina-Ahlberg, B. 2023. Editorial: Disruptions by COVID-19: experiences of global health interventions in research, education, and humanitarian work

Kategori - Övriga publikationer

Rystedt, K., Edquist, P., Giske, C. G., Hedin, K., Tyrstrup, M., Ståhlgren, G. S., Sundvall, P. D. & Edlund, C. 2023. Effects of penicillin V on the faecal microbiota in patients with pharyngotonsillitis-an observational study. JAC Antimicrob Resist, 5, dlad006.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Dalemo, S. (2014). Elevated calcium concentration - is it dangerous? : long-term follow-up in primary care. (PhD). University of Gothenburg, Göteborg.

Kategori - Avhandlingar

Ullberg Pettersson, K., Hellgren, M. & Lundqvist Persson, C. 2018. En väg till ökad hälsa för patienter med stressrelaterad ohälsa. AllmänMedicin, 29, 44-46.

Kategori - Övriga publikationer

Westin, L. (2008). Encounters in nursing homes: experiences from nurses, residents and relatives. (PhD). University of Gothenburg, Göteborg. Retrieved from

Kategori - Avhandlingar

Rejnö, Å., Berg, L. & Danielson, E. 2012. Ethical problems: In the face of sudden and unexpected death. Nursing Ethics, 19, 642-53.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Ahlberg, B. M., & Bradby, H. (2022). Ethnic, racial and regional inequalities in access to COVID-19 vaccine, testing and hospitalization: Implications for eradication of the pandemic. Front Sociol, 7, 809090.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Godskesen, T., & Rejnö, Å. Etik i samverkan. 2023. I: Eklund, A. & Gadolin, C. (red.) Samverkan i vården: från system till praktik. (s. 93-112). Liber.

Kategori - Övriga publikationer

Stone, M. A., Wilkinson, J. C., Charpentier, G., Clochard, N., Grassi, G., Lindblad, U., Müller, U. A., Nolan, J., Rutten, G. E. & Khunti, K. 2010. Evaluation and comparison of guidelines for the management of people with type 2 diabetes from eight European countries. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 87, 252-60.

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Engqvist, I. (2011). Experiences of postpartum psychosis from the perspectives of women with the diagnosis and psychiatric nurses. (PhD). University of Rhode Island, Open Access Dissertations. Paper 84. Retrieved from

Kategori - Avhandlingar

Andersson, S., Berglund, M., Vestman, C. & Kjellsdotter, A. 2019. Experiences of specially trained personnel of group education for patients with type 2 diabetes-A lifeworld approach. Nursing Open, 6, 635-641.

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Lindblad, E., Hallman, E. B., Gillsjö, C., Lindblad, U. & Fagerström, L. 2010. Experiences of the new role of advanced practice nurses in Swedish primary health care--a qualitative study. International Journal of Nursing Practice, 16, 69-74.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Wennström, B. (2011). Experiences, symptoms and signs in 3-11 year old children undergoing day surgery within the context of the perioperative dialogue. (PhD). University of Gothenburg, Göteborg. Retrieved from

Kategori - Avhandlingar

Hammerin Z, Andersson E, Maivorsdotter N. Exploring student participation in teaching: An aspect of student health in school. International Journal of Educational Research. 2018;92:63-74.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Holmqvist, G., Roxberg, Å., Larsson, I. & Lundqvist-Persson, C. 2019. Expressions of vitality affects and basic affects during art therapy and their meaning for inner change. International Journal of Art Therapy, 24, 30-39. 

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Nguyen, H. T., Eriksson, B., Petzold, M., Bondjers, G., Tran, T. K., Nguyen, L. T. & Ascher, H. 2013. Factors associated with physical growth of children during the first two years of life in rural and urban areas of Vietnam. BMC Pediatrics, 13, 149.

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Wennberg, P., Möller, M., Herlitz, J. & Kenne Sarenmalm, E. 2019a. Fascia iliaca compartment block as a preoperative analgesic in elderly patients with hip fractures - effects on cognition. BMC Geriatrics, 19, 252.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Nkulu Kalengayi, F. K., Hurtig, A. K., Ahlm, C. & Krantz, I. 2012b. Fear of deportation may limit legal immigrants' access to HIV/AIDS-related care: a survey of Swedish language school students in Northern Sweden. J Immigr Minor Health, 14, 39-47.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Hellgren, M. I., Petzold, M., Björkelund, C., Wedel, H., Jansson, P. A. & Lindblad, U. 2012. Feasibility of the FINDRISC questionnaire to identify individuals with impaired glucose tolerance in Swedish primary care. A cross-sectional population-based study. Diabetic Medicine, 29, 1501-5.

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Lundin, A., Berg, L. E. & Muhli, U. H. 2013. Feeling existentially touched--a phenomenological notion of the well-being of elderly living in special housing accommodation from the perspective of care professionals. International Journal of Qualitative Studies of Health and Well-being, 8, 1-8.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Nordblom, A. K., Kjellsdotter, A., Norberg Boysen, G. & Berglund, M. 2023. Foreign movement in one's own body: Patients' experiences of being awake while treated with catheter ablation-a phenomenological study. International Journal of Qualitative Studies of Health and Well-being, 18, 2238972.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Axelsson, K. F., Werling, M., Eliasson, B., Szabo, E., Näslund, I., Wedel, H., Lundh, D. & Lorentzon, M. 2018. Fracture risk after gastric bypass surgery: A retrospective cohort study. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 33, 2122-2131.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Söderberg, A., Karlsson, V., Ahlberg, B. M., Johansson, A. & Thelandersson, A. 2020. From fear to fight: Patients experiences of early mobilization in intensive care. A qualitative interview study. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, 1-9.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Rejnö, Å. 2020. Fysiska och sociala aktiviteter påverkar hälsan positivt efter stroke. StrokeKontakt.

Kategori - Övriga publikationer

Landström, B. 2020. Genomskådande skrivet om corona medan det pågår. AllmänMedicin, 41, 40-41.

Kategori - Övriga publikationer

Hellgren, M., Hjörleifsdottir Steiner, K. & Bennet, L. 2017. Haemoglobin A1c as a screening tool for type 2 diabetes and prediabetes in populations of Swedish and Middle-East ancestry. Primary Care Diabetes, 11, 337-343.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Hellgren, M., Daka, B. & Larsson, C. 2015a. [HbA1c is not enough in screening for impaired glucose metabolism. Glucose tolerance tests are also needed, as shown in Swedish prospective epidemiological study]. Lakartidningen, 112.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Nordblom, A. K., Boysen, G. N., Berglund, M. & Kjellsdotter, A. 2022. Health care centre and emergency department utilization by patients with episodes of tachycardia. BMC Cardiovascular Disorders, 22, 124.

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Hammerin, Z., & Basic, G. (2024). Health in everyday teaching practice in Sweden: a social pedagogical analysis of high school teachers’ descriptions. International Journal of Social Pedagogy, 13(1).

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Bradby, H. & Humphris, R. 2017. Health status of refugees and asylum seekers in Europe. I: Mcqueen, D. (Red.) Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Global Public Health. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Kategori - Övriga publikationer

Osmancevic, A., Ottarsdottir, K., Hellgren, M., Lindblad, U., & Daka, B. (2022, Jul 1). High C-reactive protein is associated with increased risk of biochemical hypogonadism: a population-based cohort study. Endocrine Connections, 11(7).

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Axelsson, K. F., Wallander, M., Johansson, H., Lundh, D. & Lorentzon, M. 2017b. Hip fracture risk and safety with alendronate treatment in the oldest-old. Journal of Internal Medicine, 282, 546-559.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Holmqvist, G. & Lundqvist-Persson, C. 2023. A Structured Observation Framework for Evaluating Clients’ Inner Change During and After Art Therapy. Art Therapy, 1-9.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Emmesjö, L., Hallgren, J., & Gillsjö, C. (2022, Dec 14). Home health care professionals' experiences of working in integrated teams during the COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative thematic study. BMC Prim Care, 23(1), 325.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Berkhout, M., Bengtsson Boström, K., & Östberg, A. L. (2022, Sep). Hypertension treatment in the oldest-old: focus group interviews with Swedish general practitioners. Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care, 40(3), 395-404.

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Lindberg, S. (2013). I hälsans spelrum: lek på vårdandets scen. (PhD). Åbo Akademi, Vasa. Retrieved from

Kategori - Avhandlingar

Söderberg, A., Thelandersson, A., Fagevik Olsén, M., & Karlsson, V. (2025). “I will get out of this” - The patients’ experiences of early mobilisation in intensive care. A hermeneutic study. Intensive and Critical Care Nursing, 86, 103884. 

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Alsiö, Å., Rembeck, K., Askarieh, G., Christensen, P. B., Färkkilä, M., Langeland, N., Buhl, M. R., Pedersen, C., Mørch, K., Haagmans, B. L., Nasic, S., Westin, J., Hellstrand, K., Norkrans, G. & Lagging, M. 2012. Impact of obesity on the bioavailability of peginterferon-α2a and ribavirin and treatment outcome for chronic hepatitis C genotype 2 or 3. PloS One, 7, e37521.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Szaló, G., Hellgren, M. I., Allison, M., Li, Y., Råstam, L., Rådholm, K., Bollano, E., Duprez, D. A., Jacobs, D. R., Jr., Lindblad, U. & Daka, B. 2023. Impaired artery elasticity predicts cardiovascular morbidity and mortality- A longitudinal study in the Vara-Skövde Cohort. Journal of Human Hypertension.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Alsiö, Å., Wennström, B., Landström, B. & Silén, C. 2019. Implementing clinical education of medical students in hospital communities: experiences of healthcare professionals. International Journal of Medical Education, 10, 54-61.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Ekman, M. & Ahlberg, B. M. 2011. Increamental innovations in organizational performance in health care. I: Ekman, M., Gustavsson, B., Asheim, B. T. & Pålshaugen, Ö. (Red.) Learning regional innovations: Scandinavian models. Houndmills, Basingstoke: : Palgrave Macmillan.

Kategori - Övriga publikationer

Kindgren, E., Ahrens, A. P., Triplett, E. W. & Ludvigsson, J. 2023. Infant gut microbiota and environment associate with juvenile idiopathic arthritis many years prior to disease onset, especially in genetically vulnerable children. EBioMedicine, 93, 104654.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Hellgren, M. I., Daka, B., Jansson, P. A., Lindblad, U. & Larsson, C. A. 2015c. Insulin resistance predicts early cardiovascular morbidity in men without diabetes mellitus, with effect modification by physical activity. Eur J Prev Cardiol, 22, 940-9.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Lennartsson, F., Nordin, P. & Ahlberg, B. M. 2018. Integrating new knowledge into practice: An evaluation study on a continuing education for Swedish child health nurses on non-synostotic plagiocephaly. Nursing Open, 5, 329-340.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Palmryd, L., Rejnö, Å., & Godskesen, T. E. (2021). Integrity at end of life in the intensive care unit: a qualitative study of nurses' views. Ann Intensive Care, 11(1), 23. doi:10.1186/s13613-021-00802-y

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Backhaus, E. (2011). Invasive pneumococcal infections. (PhD). University of Gothenburg, Göteborg. Retrieved from

Kategori - Avhandlingar

Hjerpe, P. (2011). Investigating practice variation in a changing primary care: a multilevel perspective on The Skaraborg Primary Care Database. (PhD). Lund University, Malmö.

Kategori - Avhandlingar

Ahlberg, B. M., Hamed, S., Thapar-Björkert, S. & Bradby, H. 2019. Invisibility of racism in the global neoliberal era: Implications for researching racism in healthcare. Frontiers in Sociology, 4.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Bradby, H., Green, G., Davison, C. & Krause, K. 2017. Is superdiversity a useful concept in European medical sociology? Frontiers in Sociology, 1.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Holmqvist, G. & Lundqvist Persson, C. 2012. Is there evidence for the use of art therapy in treatment of psychosomatic disorders, eating disorders and crisis? A comparative study of two different systems for evaluation. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 53, 47-53.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Ahlberg, B. M., Hamed, S., Bradby, H., Moberg, C., & Thapar-Björkert, S. (2021). "Just Throw It Behind You and Just Keep Going": Emotional Labor when Ethnic Minority Healthcare Staff Encounter Racism in Healthcare. Front Sociol, 6, 741202. doi:10.3389/fsoc.2021.741202

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Lundqvist Persson, C. (Red.) 2018. Konsten att skapa en relation, användande av empatisk kommunikation -13 Essäer, Vänersborg: CELA Grafiska.

Kategori - Övriga publikationer

Kazemi, A., & Elfstrand Corlin, T. (2021). Linking supportive leadership to satisfaction with care: proposing and testing a service-profit chain inspired model in the context of elderly care. J Health Organ Manag, ahead-of-print(ahead-of-print). doi:10.1108/jhom-10-2020-0393

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Strandvik, B., Ntoumani, E., Lundqvist-Persson, C. & Sabel, K. G. 2016. Long-chain saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids associate with development of premature infants up to 18 months of age. Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes, and Essential Fatty Acids, 107, 43-9.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Szaló, G., Hellgren, M., Allison, M., Råstam, L., Lindblad, U., & Daka, B. (2021). Longitudinal association between leisure-time physical activity and vascular elasticity indices. BMC Cardiovascular Disorders, 21(1), 99. doi:10.1186/s12872-021-01911-z

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Kubai, A. & Ahlberg, B. M. 2013. Making and unmaking ethnicities in the Rwandan context: implication for gender-based violence, health, and wellbeing of women. Ethnicity and Health, 18, 469-82.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Seitl, C., & Rejnö, Å. (2022). Marketing of educational programs – a study of Swedish universities through presented images. Journal of Marketing for Higher Education, 1-19.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Önnestam, L.,Vad, O. H., Andersson, T., Jolesjö, Å., Sandegård, J., & Bengtsson Boström, K. (2022). Maternal body mass index in early pregnancy is associated with overweight and obesity in children up to 16 years of age. PloS One, 17(10), e0275542.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Bertilsson I, Melin J, Brogårdh C, Opheim A, Gyllensten AL, Björksell E, Sjödahl Hammarlund C. Measurement properties of the Body Awareness Scale Movement Quality (BAS MQ) in persons on the autism spectrum: A preliminary Rasch analysis. Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies. 2024; 38(2024): 464-473.

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Andersson, S. (2012). Med risk för diabetes: studier av symtom, självskattad hälsa och erfarenheter av att leva med risk för att utveckla typ 2 diabetes. (PhD). Göteborgs universitet, Göteborg.

Kategori - Avhandlingar

Weidinger, P., Nilsson, J. L. & Lindblad, U. 2014. Medication prescribing for asthma and COPD: a register-based cross-sectional study in Swedish primary care. BMC Family Practice, 15, 54.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Diurlin, S., Eriksson, M. C. M., Daka, B., Lindblad, U. & Hellgren, M. 2020. Men with impaired glucose tolerance have lower self-rated health than men with impaired fasting glucose. Primary Care Diabetes, 14, 40-46.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Hellgren, M., & Lundqvist, S. 2021. Metabola syndromet. In I.-M. Dohrn, E. Jansson, M. Börjesson, & M. Hagströmer (Red), FYSS 2021 : fysisk aktivitet i sjukdomsprevention och sjukdomsbehandling. Stockholm: Läkartidningen förlag AB.

Kategori - Övriga publikationer

Köpsén, S., Lilja, M., Hellgren, M., Sandlund, J. & Sjöström, R. 2023. Midwives’ and Diabetes Nurses’ Experience of Screening and Care of Women with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus: A Qualitative Interview Study. Nursing Research and Practice, 2023, 6386581.

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Adolfsson, A.-S. (2006). Miscarriage : Women’s experience and its cumulative incidence. Institutionen för molekylär och klinisk medicin.

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Landström, B. 2021b. Morfin som välsignelse och dödsbringare. AllmänMedicin, 41(4), 61.

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Andersson, T., Hjerpe, P., Carlsson, A. C., Pivodic, A., Wändell, P., Manhem, K. & Bengtsson Boström, K. 2018. Mortality trends and cause of death in patients with new-onset type 2 diabetes and controls: A 24-year follow-up prospective cohort study. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 138, 81-89.

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Nor, B., Ahlberg, B. M., Doherty, T., Zembe, Y., Jackson, D. & Ekström, E. C. 2012. Mother's perceptions and experiences of infant feeding within a community-based peer counselling intervention in South Africa. Maternal & Child Nutrition, 8, 448-58.

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Sabel, K. G., Strandvik, B., Petzold, M. & Lundqvist-Persson, C. 2012. Motor, mental and behavioral developments in infancy are associated with fatty acid pattern in breast milk and plasma of premature infants. Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes, and Essential Fatty Acids, 86, 183-8.

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Roberts, H. M., Bradby, H., Ingold, A., Manzotti, G., Reeves, D. & Liabo, K. 2017. Moving on: multiple transitions of unaccompanied child migrants leaving care in England and Sweden. International Journal of Social Science Studies, 5.

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Rembeck, K., Alsiö, A., Christensen, P. B., Färkkilä, M., Langeland, N., Buhl, M. R., Pedersen, C., Mørch, K., Westin, J., Lindh, M., Hellstrand, K., Norkrans, G. & Lagging, M. 2012. Impact of IL28B-related single nucleotide polymorphisms on liver histopathology in chronic hepatitis C genotype 2 and 3. PloS One, 7, e29370.

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Nyqvist, J. (2021). Multiple primary malignancies in breast cancer patients : from population study to genetics. Gothenburg: Department of Clinical Pathology, Institute of Biomedicine, Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg.

Kategori - Avhandlingar

André Kramer, A. C., Petzold, M., Hakeberg, M. & Östberg, A. L. 2018. Multiple socioeconomic factors and dental caries in Swedish children and adolescents. Caries Research, 52, 42-50.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Svanström, R. (2009). När livsvärldens mönster brister: erfarenheter av att leva med demenssjukdom. (PhD). Linnéuniversitetet, Växjö.

Kategori - Avhandlingar

Pathak, A., Marothi, Y., Iyer, R. V., Singh, B., Sharma, M., Eriksson, B., Macaden, R. & Lundborg, C. S. 2010. Nasal carriage and antimicrobial susceptibility of Staphylococcus aureus in healthy preschool children in Ujjain, India. BMC Pediatrics, 10, 100.

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Niemi, M. (2010). Naturbaserade aktiviteter i daglig verksamhet och gymnasiesärskola: en studie om personer som lär långsammare och om trädgårds- och naturbruksarbetets möjligheter och begränsningar i ett socialt perspektiv. (PhD). Göteborgs universitet, Göteborg. Retrieved from

Kategori - Avhandlingar

Kleijberg, M., Ahlberg, B. M., Macdonald, A., Lindqvist, O. & Tishelman, C. 2019. Navigating power dynamics in engaging communities in end-of-life issues - Lessons learned from developing community-based intergenerational arts initiatives about death and loss. Death Studies, 1-14.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Landgren, V. (2022). Neurodevelopmental disorders (ESSENCE) : early detection and outcome in adulthood, Gothenburg, Gillberg Neuropsychiatry Centre, Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology, Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg.

Kategori - Avhandlingar

Rejnö, Å., Danielson, E. & Berg, L. 2013a. Next of kin's experiences of sudden and unexpected death from stroke - a study of narratives. BMC Nursing, 12, 13.

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Starzmann, K., Hjerpe, P., Dalemo, S., Björkelund, C. & Boström, K. B. 2012. No physician gender difference in prescription of sick-leave certification: a retrospective study of the Skaraborg Primary Care Database. Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care, 30, 48-54.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Alsiö, A., Christensen, P. B., Färkkilä, M., Langeland, N., Buhl, M. R., Pedersen, C., Mørch, K., Haagmans, B. L., Westin, J., Hellstrand, K., Norkrans, G. & Lagging, M. 2010. Nonresponder patients with hepatitis C virus genotype 2/3 infection: a question of low systemic interferon concentrations? Clinical Infectious Diseases, 50, e22-5.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Lennartsson, F. & Nordin, P. 2019. Nonsynostotic plagiocephaly: a child health care intervention in Skaraborg, Sweden. BMC Pediatrics, 19, 48.

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Lennartsson, F. (2019). Nonsynostotic plagiocephaly: prevention strategies in child health care. (PhD). University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg.

Kategori - Avhandlingar

Rejnö, Å., Nordin, P., Forsgren, S., Sundell, Y. & Rudolfsson, G. 2017a. Nursing students' attendance at learning activities in relation to attainment and passing courses: A prospective quantitative study. Nurse Education Today, 50, 36-41.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Unick, J. L., Gaussoin, S. A., Hill, J. O., Jakicic, J. M., Bond, D. S., Hellgren, M., Johnson, K. C., Peters, A. L., Coday, M., Kitzman, D. W., Bossart, S. & Wing, R. R. 2017. Objectively assessed physical activity and weight loss maintenance among individuals enrolled in a lifestyle intervention. Obesity (Silver Spring), 25, 1903-1909.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Widmark, C., Levál, A., Tishelman, C. & Ahlberg, B. M. 2010. Obstetric care at the intersection of science and culture: Swedish doctors' perspectives on obstetric care of women who have undergone female genital cutting. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 30, 553-8.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Gillsjö, C. (2012). Older adult's conceptions of home and experiences of living with long-term musculoskeletal pain at home. University of Rhode Island [Kingston].

Kategori - Avhandlingar

André Kramer, A.-C. (2018). On dental caries and socioeconomy in Swedish children and adolescents: clinical and register-based studies. (PhD). University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg.

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Alsiö, Å. (2011). On the outcome of antiviral therapy for hepatitis C virus genotype 2 or 3 infection. (PhD). University of Gothenburg, Göteborg. Retrieved from

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Oliveira Ramos, T. d. (2014). On the treatment of tibial fractures using the Ilizarov fixator. (PhD). University of Gothenburg, Göteborg.

Kategori - Avhandlingar

Gustafsson, A., Skogsberg, J., & Rejnö, Å. (2021). Oral health plays second fiddle in palliative care: an interview study with registered nurses in home healthcare. BMC Palliative Care, 20(1), 173. doi:10.1186/s12904-021-00859-3

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Wennberg, P. (2019). Pain management in older persons with hip fractures. (PhD). Örebro University, Örebro. Retrieved from

Kategori - Avhandlingar

Ljungström, B.-M. (2022). Parents' experience of living with a child displaying oppositional defiant disorder : top-down and bottom-up approaches to gain a deeper understanding of the complexity, Göteborg, Department of Psychology, University of Gothenburg.

Kategori - Avhandlingar

Söderberg, A., Karlsson, V., Fagevik Olsén, M., Thelandersson, A. & Johansson, A. 2023. Patient as active partner – clue to successful early mobilization in intensive care. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, 1-11.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Wennberg, P., Andersson, H. & Wireklint Sundström, B. 2018. Patients with suspected hip fracture in the chain of emergency care: An integrative review of the literature. International Journal of Orthopedic Trauma Nursing, 29, 16-31.

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Rosén, H. (2011). Patients' experiences of symptoms, discomfort and their impact on daily living following day surgery. (PhD). University of Rhode Island, Ann Arbor, Mich. Retrieved from

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Karlsson, V., Lindahl, B. & Bergbom, I. 2012c. Patients' statements and experiences concerning receiving mechanical ventilation: a prospective video-recorded study. Nursing Inquiry, 19, 247-58.

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Andersson, S., Ekman, I., Lindblad, U. & Friberg, F. 2011. Perceived symptoms in people living with impaired glucose tolerance. Nursing Research and Practice, 2011, 937038.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Diurlin, S., Lindblad, U., Daka, B., & Hellgren, M. I. (2022). Persisting prediabetic conditions and glomerular filtration rate - A longitudinal study. Primary Care Diabetes, 16(4), 597-599.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Roos, J. M. & Kazemi, A. 2018. Personality traits and Internet usage across generation cohorts: Insights from a nationally representative study. Current Psychology.

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Hellgren, M., & Lundqvist, S. (2022, Sep 14). [Physical activity in metabolic syndrome]. Läkartidningen, 119. (Fysisk aktivitet kan förbättra faktorer i metabola syndromet.)

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Nguyen, H. T., Eriksson, B., Nguyen, L. T., Nguyen, C. T., Petzold, M., Bondjers, G. & Ascher, H. 2012. Physical growth during the first year of life. A longitudinal study in rural and urban areas of Hanoi, Vietnam. BMC Pediatrics, 12, 26.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Bertilsson, I., Gard, G., & Sjödahl Hammarlund, C. (2022, Feb). Physiotherapists' experiences of the meaning of movement quality in autism: a descriptive phenomenological study. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, 38(2), 299-308.

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Kleijberg, M., Hilton, R., Ahlberg, B. M., & Tishelman, C. (2021). Play Elements as Mechanisms in Intergenerational Arts Activities to Support Community Engagement with End-of-Life Issues. Healthcare (Basel), 9(6). doi:10.3390/healthcare9060764

Kategori - Vetenskapliga artiklar

Bengtsson Boström, K., Hedner, J., Grote, L., Melander, O., Von Wowern, F., Råstam, L., Groop, L. & Lindblad, U. 2010. Polymorphisms in α- and β-Adrenergic Receptor Genes, Hypertension, and Obstructive Sleep Apnea: The Skaraborg Sleep Study. International Journal of Hypertension, 2010.

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Hamed, S., Ahlberg, B. M. & Trenholm, J. 2017. Powerlessness, normalization, and resistance: A Foucauldian discourse analysis of women's narratives on obstetric fistula in Eastern Sudan. Qualitative Health Research, 27, 1828-1841.

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Bengtsson Boström K, Starzmann K, Östberg AL. Primary care physicians' concerned voices on sickness certification after a period of reorganization. Focus group interviews in Sweden. Scand J Prim Health Care. 2020;38(2):146-55.

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Rapport 4. Lundqvist Persson, C. & Holmqvist, G. 2019. Grön Rehabilitering på Grevegården i Skaraborg - en utvärdering. Skaraborgsinstitutets rapportserie. Skövde: Skaraborgsinstitutet.

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Lennartsson, F., Wennergren, G. & Nordin, P. 2015. Reliable assessors of infant cranial asymmetry in child health care. Open Nursing Journal, 9, 33-41.

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Hellgren, M. I., Jansson, P. A. & Lindblad, U. 2020. Report from an effort to prevent type 2 diabetes development in primary care. Primary Care Diabetes.

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Ahlberg, B. M. & Kulane, A. 2011. Reproductive Health and Sexual Rights. I: Tamale, S. (Red.) African Sexualities: A Reader. Cape Town: Pambazuka Press.

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Ahlberg, B. M. 2015. Rights, sexual and reproductive. I: Whelehan, P. & Bolin, A. (Red.) The international encyclopedia of human sexuality. Chichester, West Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell.

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Hellgren, M. & Attvall, S. 2020. Så kan du minska risken att få typ 2 diabetes. Affecta publishing.

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Törnblom, K.Y. & Kazemi, A. (red.) 2023. Social behavior as resource exchange: explorations into the societal structures of the mind. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

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Rejnö, Å. & Berg, L. 2015. Strategies for handling ethical problems in end of life care: obstacles and possibilities. Nursing Ethics, 22, 778-89.

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Rejnö, Å., Danielson, E. & Berg, L. 2013b. Strategies for handling ethical problems in sudden and unexpected death. Nursing Ethics, 20, 708-22.

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Ottarsdottir, K., Nilsson, A. G., Hellgren, M., Lindblad, U. & Daka, B. 2018. The association between serum testosterone and insulin resistance: a longitudinal study. Endocrine Connections, 7, 1491-1500.

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Nilsson, H., & Kazemi, A. (2022). The bright triad of mindful leadership: An alternative to the Dark Triad of leadership. Psychology of Leaders and Leadership, No Pagination Specified-No Pagination Specified.

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Hellgren, M., Svensson, A. M., Franzén, S., Ericsson, Å., Gudbjörnsdottir, S., Ekström, N., . . . Malkin, S. (2021). The burden of poor glycaemic control in people with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes in Sweden: A health economic modelling analysis based on nationwide data. Diabetes, Obesity & Metabolism. doi:10.1111/dom.14376

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Klaeson, K., Berglund, M. & Gustavsson, S. 2017. The character of nursing students’ critical reflection at the end of their education. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice, 7, 55-61.

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Roos, J. M., & Kazemi, A. (2022). The five factor model of personality as predictor of online shopping: Analyzing data from a large representative sample of Swedish internet users. Cogent Psychology, 9(1), 2024640.

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Andersson, T., Pikkemaat, M., Schiöler, L., Hjerpe, P., Carlsson, A. C., Wändell, P., Manhem, K., Kahan, T., Hasselström, J. & Bengtsson Boström, K. 2020. The impact of diabetes, education and income on mortality and cardiovascular events in hypertensive patients: A cohort study from the Swedish Primary Care Cardiovascular Databas (SPCCD). PloS One, 15, e0237107.

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Karlsson, V., Bergbom, I. & Forsberg, A. 2012a. The lived experiences of adult intensive care patients who were conscious during mechanical ventilation: a phenomenological-hermeneutic study. Intensive and Critical Care Nursing, 28, 6-15.

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Byström, K. M. & Lundqvist-Persson, C.A. 2015. The meaning of companion animals for children and adolescents with autism: The parents' perspective. Anthrozoös, 28, 263-275.

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Rejnö, Å., Berg, L. & Danielson, E. 2014. The narrative structure as a way to gain insight into peoples' experiences: one methodological approach. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 28, 618-26.

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Elfstrand Corlin, T. & Kazemi, A. 2019. The older person as a client, customer or service user? Working with Older People, 24, 19-26.

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Rejnö, Å., Danielson, E. & von Post, I. 2013c. The unexpected force of acute stroke leading to patients' sudden death as described by nurses. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 27, 123-30.

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Kjellsdotter, A., Berglund, M., Jebens, E., Kvick, J. & Andersson, S. 2020. To take charge of one's life - group-based education for patients with type 2 diabetes in primary care - a lifeworld approach. International Journal of Qualitative Studies of Health and Well-being, 15, 1726856.

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Hjerpe, P., Ohlsson, H., Lindblad, U., Boström, K. B. & Merlo, J. 2011. Understanding adherence to therapeutic guidelines: a multilevel analysis of statin prescription in the Skaraborg Primary Care Database. European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 67, 415-423.

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Kazemi, A., & Kajonius, P. J. (2021). Understanding client satisfaction in elderly care: new insights from social resource theory. Eur J Ageing, 18(3), 417-425. doi:10.1007/s10433-020-00591-6

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Kazemi, A. & Kajonius, P. J. 2020b. Understanding client satisfaction in elderly care: new insights from social resource theory. European Journal of Ageing.

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Bradby, H., Thapar-Björkert, S., Hamed, S. & Ahlberg, B. M. 2019b. Undoing the unspeakable: researching racism in Swedish healthcare using a participatory process to build dialogue. Health Research Policy and Systems, 17, 43.

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Berghammer, M. & Rejnö, Å. 2018. Vetenskaplig teori och metod i ett omvänt klassrum. I: Hrastinski, S. (Red.) Digitalisering av högre utbildning. Lund: Studentlitteratur.

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Bradby, H., Liabo, K., Ingold, A. & Roberts, H. 2019a. Visibility, resilience, vulnerability in young migrants. Health (London), 23, 533-550.

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Byström K, Grahn P, Hägerhäll C. Vitality from Experiences in Nature and Contact with Animals-A Way to Develop Joint Attention and Social Engagement in Children with Autism? Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2019;16(23).

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Njoroge, K. M., Olsson, P., Pertet, A. M. & Ahlberg, B. M. 2010. Voices unheard: youth and sexuality in the wake of HIV prevention in Kenya. Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare, 1, 143-8.

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Svensson, A. M., Mårtensson, L. B. & Muhli, U. H. 2012. Well-being dialogue: elderly women's subjective sense of well-being from their course of life perspective. International Journal of Qualitative Studies of Health and Well-being, 7, 1-12.

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Holmqvist, G., Roxberg, Å., Larsson, I. & Lundqvist-Persson, C. 2017a. What art therapists consider to be patient’s inner change and how it may appear during art therapy. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 56, 45-52.

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Kazemi, A., & Elfstrand Corlin, T. (2022). What has employee loyalty to do with “love” to clients? Testing approaches to work as mediators. Employee Relations: The International Journal, 44(7), 149-161.

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Njoroge, K. M., Cattan, M., Chinouya, M. & Ahlberg, B. M. 2022. Women as Agents of Change: Male Circumcision and HIV Prevention in Kenya. Sexuality & Culture.

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Ahlberg, B., Elmib, S., Gaas, A., Johansson, A. & Am, W. 2022. Women survivors of female genital mutilation/ cutting: A collaborative process of engaging them as ambassadors of Change in Hargeisa, Somaliland. SHAJ Somali Health Action Journal, 2.

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Holmqvist, G. M.-L., Jormfeldt, H., Larsson, I. & Lundqvist Persson, C. 2017b. Women’s experiences of change through art therapy. Arts & Health, 9, 199-212.

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